Awareness of the monkey mind
an excerpt from Live Beautifully: A Book to Sit With, by Doris Wedige
Reflections on letting old wounds heal...
Did you ever bite the inside of your cheek and end up with a canker sore? And then were you able to avoid it with your teeth and tongue and allow it to heal or did you unconsciously find yourself biting it and irritating it over and over again only to perpetuate the old sore? Much like dogs who are forced to wear lamp shades on their heads to keep them from obsessively licking their wounds, so too should we humans find ways to stop irritating our own old wounds. So it goes with me. Old patterns of fearful thinking flare up over and over again. One would think that the logical thing to do would be to recognize the fearful thinking, see it for the useless destructiveness that it is, choose to not listen to it and let the old wounds heal. But the fearful thoughts return to my mind over and over again and without even realizing it I can have picked the sore wide open once again. As my consciousness grows, so will my capacity to be aware of the reemergence of a fearful thought pattern. I will see them once again and choose to let them pass on by. Thoughts of fear or thoughts of Love. I choose Love. |
I intend to be aware of fearful thought patterns.